
Find the latest updates on my Instagram Feed (@fuelmybalance). I do plan on writing more for the blog, but currently haven’t written anything in a LOOOONG time.



Must Wear Sunglasses

Do you find yourself always needing to wear sunglasses when you are outside?


Even if it is a cloudy day?!


This post was inspired by observing all the parents at the playground, on a cloudy day, wearing sunglasses.


Look I get it, sometimes you have to want to hide the tired eyes and bags.


But I know some of you find that sun too bright!


And this is your unsolicited advice coming that your adrenals may need help!


Before we get into why adrenals and how they are related to sunglasses, I want to say look I get parenthood is difficult and exhausting.


Society has glorified the suffering and normalized it.


But what if I told you that despite the inconsistent sleep, not being able to have full control over your body and what you want to do, not being able to eat 3 meals relaxed, etc. you could still have energy and not feel like crap?!


This is the point in our lives that our adrenals should be able to step up to the plate and help us out.


The problem is that our adrenals were so overworked BEFORE this period in our life that they’re barely running on any gas and you are a car slowing down on the highway about to breakdown.


So how do I know your adrenals need help?!

In the presence of light your pupil needs to constrict to adjust to the amount of light in your environment.


The ability of the pupil to constrict is partially influenced by your adrenals.


But when the adrenals are exhausted, the pupil may struggle to constrict and often remains dilated, which is why you must wear sunglasses the moment you step outside.


This may be a test I use for your Functional Clinical Assessment – the Paradoxical Pupillary Response Test.


The test is an assessment of your autonomic nervous system (ANS) and your body’s ability to activate the sympathetic branch of your ANS / fight or flight response.


I use this as an assessment of adrenal exhaustion because your sympathetic branch is strongly influenced by the hormonal cascade that is supposed to be kicked off by your hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis.


Your ANS releases adrenaline for immediate response to a stressor (stepping outside) and cortisol is released from the adrenals to sustain the response to the stressor as it remains present (staying outside).


When the adrenals are exhausted it struggles to produce and release hormones at the level at which they are required to maintain the needed response, in this case, constricted pupils so to reduce the amount of light being received through the eyes.


So if you must always wear sunglasses because you can’t see a damn thing outside without them, time to really dive into your stressors and figure out a way to support your adrenals.


Sick and tired of feeling like crap with no energy?!


Book a free Connection Call and find out more about working with me 1-on-1 in my 16-week program focusing on stress management to eliminate most of your complaints.


**disclaimers: (1) contact lenses can increase your light sensitivity and (2) there may be neurological reasons the pupils do not constrict

Have you heard about fascia?

No? Don’t feel bad most people don’t, even professionals.


I learned about fascia 3 years ago when it came to my son’s inability to calm down at the end of the day to sleep, a few months into the pandemic.


What is fascia?

Fascia is a connective tissue that envelops and interconnects muscles, organs, and bones in your body. It forms a continuous web, providing structural support and facilitating communication between different body parts.


If our bones were removed from our body we would still hold our shape thanks to our fascia!


Fascia restrictions occur when this tissue becomes tight, tense, or restricted due to factors like poor posture, repetitive movements, stress, and injuries.


It can be a major influence for why we have chronic issues due to nutrient deficiencies, body aches and pains, and stuck in chronic stress / fight or flight response.


How does fascia create tension?

Watch this video explaining how our current approach in treating pain may be incomplete.


Pain in your hip may not have anything to do with an imbalance or injury in that area but caused by fascial strain happening in the neck.


Fascia restrictions can cause muscles to become tense and tight, contributing to physical discomfort and stress but also restrict or reduce mobility of blood, lymph, and neuron communication.


Tight fascia can influence the body’s stress response, leading to heightened feelings of anxiety and overwhelm >> stuck in fight or flight autonomic nervous system response (my son as briefly mentioned above).


Our fascia remembers! It may hold emotions that were not fully processed and/or acknowledged, affecting your ability to cope with stress and leading to mental and emotional fatigue.


Now before you are like this cannot apply to me, think of this. Do you experience:

  • Tension in your neck?
  • Arms or legs fall asleep / get that tingling feeling?
  • Cold hands and/or feet?
  • Always cold?
  • Get motion sickness?
  • Have hip/low back pain?
  • Knees hurt?
  • Digestive discomfort?
  • Exhaustion?


These are only a handful of symptoms tied to fascial restrictions, it can honestly be a contributing factor to almost anything.


Remember fascia surrounds our nerves and organs. Imagine if there’s restriction that is impacting our vagus nerve (stress response, digestion, reproductive and more!) and digestive system.


While my nutritional therapy services address nutritional deficiencies, another aspect that could be contributing to you not achieving your goals is fascial strain!


Because fascia influences the mobility and alignment of organs in the digestive system impacting how you digest food, nutrient absorption, and overall gut health.


The onion effect of fascial strain

Watch this video on how poor sleep and lack of intentional movement can build up layers fascial tension.


Warning if you are squirmy with the inner workings of the human body, you may not want to watch this video – it uses a human cadaver (dead body donated to research). But here’s why you need to start peeling back the layers and how long it takes will vary person to person.


How can you start address fascial strain?

One simple way to address fascial restrictions is to STRETCH!


But you must be mindful and intentional.


Meaning, we aren’t pushing beyond limitations that we feel like a muscle is going to snap or we are going to pass out.


You are most likely going to do both static and gentle movement stretches.


Stretches will vary day-to-day based on what your body needs at any given time.


Stretching can reduce stress by creating a sensation of relaxation but remember the key here being you don’t push beyond your limitations and you are slowly breathing through your nose and taking time to hold the stretch gently to release tension


One major benefit is that stretching increases circulation of blood but also lymph this can drastically increase your energy levels as it allows nutrients to actually get where they need to as well as let waste move out.


Stretching is a seriously underrated tool in your wellness toolbox.


Need to go deeper?

Craniosacral Fascial Therapy or the Gillespie Approach developed by Dr. Barry Gillespie is a non-invasive and gentle way to approach fascial strain.


We took my son when he was 15 months to see if it would help him downregulate at night to go to sleep.


Something happened a few months into the pandemic and he was just wild man and refusing to relax to go to sleep at a decent hour.


In our first session Dr. Gillespie determined there was significant fascial strain at the front of his throat. My son did have the umbilical cord wrapped around his neck when he was born.


After that first session we noticed our son talking or babbling significantly more than he did before the session. But didn’t realize he hadn’t been chattering away as much as he wanted.


He also slept that first night with less wakings.


After a few sessions Dr. Gillespie released the strain in his throat and our son was going falling asleep at night easily as he was calm and ready to go but also a chatter box during the day that didn’t shut up!


If you want more information regarding this approach, check out his website where he shares a ton of information and client testimonials.


To find a practitioner near you, you can join the Facebook group to find one near you.

Stop the Overwhelm and Stress!

I learned about a study done in the UK last week – Obesity System Map which provides a visual representation of contributing variables.


But really you could make the argument that this map applies to all chronic illnesses.


I think this is an important message to drive home for anyone struggling with reaching their health goal, are you only focusing on diet?


The map shows:

  • At the heart of it, the Foundational Loop, is Energy Balance which includes:
    • Importance of Physical Need
    • Effort to Acquire Energy
    • Tendency to Preserve Energy
    • Level of Available Energy
    • Strength of Lock-In to Accumulate Energy
    • Conscious Control of Accumulation
  • The remaining influencing clusters are:
    • Social Psychology
    • Individual Psychology
    • Physical Activity Environment
    • Individual Physical Activity
    • Physiology
    • Food Consumption
    • Food Production


How we can interpret this for the general population, not just obesity, is that it is never ONE thing that needs to be addressed.


But tackling one thing at a time, can make a massive shift easier to keep new habits that catapult the change leading to your goal.


I love this visual for this reason.


Nutrition is only one variable among many!


You can have the most perfect diet. Be eating all organic, local, in-season, etc.


But if any other variables are not addressed, you are not going to be able to achieve your goal.


One of my best clients was one that was taking his nutrition seriously, diving deep into finding nutritional deficiencies all while also going to therapy, doing energy work (reiki), and seeking programs to address his trauma/disassociation. He took a sabbatical from work to focus on his healing too!


While yes nutritional therapy focuses on diet and nutritional deficiencies, the detective work in identifying why those deficiencies exist is also included (trendy word being “root cause”) – 9 out of 10 times I’d argue it comes back to stress.


All those variables found in the UK study are stressors!


That’s what I mean when I say stress is a driver for so much disease.


If one of those variables is out of balance, deficient, or in excess it creates stress to the body!


So even if you don’t perceive to be stressed your body doesn’t forget and may have a different story to tell.


Sometimes a client’s nervous system is so overwhelmed that making dietary changes and doing a supplemental protocol is too much.


So we must start slow and supporting the nervous system in feeling safe.


Number one way of doing that is to do more things in your day that bring you joy.

That you enjoy doing. You look forward to doing.

Moving your body in a way that doesn’t leave it exhausted and in pain.


So if you are overwhelmed, trying to figure out how the f to do it all when you are drowning 10 feet under, be absolutely perfect and flawless but crumbling because you cannot for the life of you reach your goal…


Do 1 thing tomorrow that will absolutely bring a smile to your face and allow that feeling to radiate through your body.


Sit in it. Bask in it. Acknowledge it. Give thanks to yourself for providing you this opportunity to prioritize you.


Applying this to the real world and giving my life as an example.


I will completely admit that currently my diet is subpar for where it needs to be:

  • Baby girl eats prob a quarter of every meal
  • I don’t have lunch most days because of nap/driving
  • Food prices are ridiculous so I’m not even buying enough food tbh


Put on top of that the last month has been a doozy and feel like maybe, just maybe I am coming up for air.


Now I am prioritizing me time, sans kids, to do something for myself.


Call it a reset if you will to achieve one of my most basic needs.


Hi, its me, I matter too.


What that means is that I am currently incorporating:

  • Nightly walks after the kids go to sleep (thank you summer!)
  • CrossFit once a week (cherry picking lift days not HIIT)
  • Sound baths for the ultimate relaxation, being cared for, and recalibrating my energy/vibrations


In just a few short days, a little over a week, I do feel better and feel like I have more capacity; which allows me to work efficiently when given the time and cleaning up the kitchen during bath time so that Zach isn’t barred down either.


Yelling less and less bothered by the uncontrollable.


It is a little thing, to find and do more things you enjoy in your day.


But in a world where high stress, high production, high output, overscheduled days is prized – disease and illness should not be a surprise.


Counterbalance it by doing more joy, fun, and play in your day to make a difference but also give us more space to get overwhelmed.


The Power of Potassium, the forgotten mineral

Have you been told to reduce salt?


Were you ever asked about your potassium intake?


Were your sodium and/or potassium levels ever tested?


Actual problem may be, you are getting the wrong type of salt AND/OR you are not consuming enough potassium.


Let’s dive in!



You are mostly water, 60-70%!


But in order to hold that water within your body and be hydrated, you require electrolytes.


Electrolytes are sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, chloride, bicarbonate, phosphate, and sulfur dioxide.


Roles of electrolytes include:

  • Controlling the osmosis of water between fluid compartments, which means the diffusion of water from regions of high concentration to regions of lower concentration so the flow of fluid from outside the cell to inside the cell. Water follows minerals into the cell, it helps water stay there and do its work before being eliminated carry cellular waste/toxins.
  • Helping to maintain pH balance
  • Carrying electrical current as your muscles need to contract and relax when your nerves need to transmit signals
  • Serving as cofactors needed for optimal enzyme activity, the catalyst for all biochemical reactions within the body

Did you know that our blood is most abundant of two of those electrolytes? Can you guess which two?


Sodium and chloride….SALT!!!!!


And do you know what electrolytes are found primarily inside of your cells?




On every cell there is a sodium-potassium pump. It is responsible for maintaining not only the fluid balance between inside and outside of the cell but also dictates the ability for nutrients to flow into the cells and for waste to flow out of the cell to be eliminated.


Today’s Reality

Today’s problem: we want convenience whether that is drive through of Burger King, grabbing a frozen meal, or eating at or getting take out from a restaurant.


Most of these foods are going to contain a lot of salt as it a fantastic way to preserve food and make it taste good so you keep coming back for more.


The issue is, most of these items are using table salt which has been stripped of all minerals except for sodium and chloride.


Unrefined sea salt hasn’t been altered and contains a vast array of minerals, because for many minerals we need teeny tiny amounts of them throughout the day. It will contain all those electrolytes, including potassium!


So first tip, swap out the table salt for unrefined sea salt like Celtic sea salt or Redmond’s Real Salt.


Second tip – potassium is primarily found in produce – vegetables and fruit.


How many cups of vegetables are you getting from Burger King, that frozen meal, or restaurant?


Don’t like vegetables because they are too bitter?


Salting vegetables reduces the bitterness, making them more palatable and desirable.


Hmm…odd how nature gave us vegetables and a way to make them delicious with adding salt…


It also supports our needs for sodium, chloride, and potassium! Which is needed abundantly for cellular function!



Why was it you were told to reduce salt intake? What labs were run or assessment performed?


Remember sodium is extracellular while potassium is intracellular.


Blood labs are not going to adequately reflect your potassium levels!


While reducing sodium intake is probably a fair assessment, it is misleading to you thinking it will fix all your problems as you probably are in desperate need of potassium to really address your concerns.


I use hair tissue mineral analysis (HTMA) to get an idea of client’s minerals status.


Why? 95% of your body’s minerals are located outside of the bloodstream in your tissues. Blood is not the proper assessment for many of your mineral levels.


Potassium has many functions in the body, a few are:

  • Maintains fluid balance (i.e., water retention)
  • Nerve conduction, especially in the heart
  • Lowers heart rate and dilates arteries
  • Regulates blood pressure
  • Transports nutrients across cell membrane to create energy at a cellular level
  • Muscle contraction and relaxation
  • Sensitizes tissues and cells to thyroid hormones (i.e., struggling thyroid function)
  • Proper kidney function


Low potassium tissue levels are often associated with losing the mineral due to stress and struggling adrenals.


Oh how it always comes back to stress…


Our adrenals maintain our energy levels and respond to stress so we are ready to fight.


When they are not supported and/or given breaks they start struggling to keep up with their responsibilities – a big one being maintaining sufficient sodium and potassium levels. I’ll be sure to do a separate post on adrenal function, but know this is a responsibility.


What if we can’t maintain adequate sodium and/or potassium levels?


Not having enough sodium and potassium means there is not enough solvent left in your body and other minerals can begin to drop out as there’s nothing there to hold them in place.


Where do they go?


Your tissues, arteries, joints, heart, skin, etc. – you become rigid and stiff and age prematurely.


Not having enough potassium may mean allergies, constipation, fatigue, irregular heartbeats, low blood sugar, low blood pressure, muscle weakness, skin problems, and water retention.


Are any of those symptoms seem familiar?


What to do

The problem with reducing sodium AND struggling adrenals (exhaustion and fatigue can be major clues here), is that you cannot achieve true cellular hydration without salt.


If you crave salt but have been told to reduce it, there can be an explanation for why your body wants salt – your adrenals are exhausted and salt can be a de-stressor (makes the adrenals work less!).


Do you feel like you are constantly drinking water but never feel hydrated and/or you are constantly peeing clear?


You are stripping your body of minerals by drinking distilled, reverse osmosis, and even filtered water.


You are stripping minerals because the body is lacking the 2 primary solvents – sodium and potassium that holds the minerals and water within the body.


Number One Game Changer – switch to a sea salt that as an array of minerals included not just sodium and chloride like table salt.


That will be key to reducing high blood pressure.


Number Two Game Changer – eat vegetables! 6 – 9 cups daily and salt those veggies to make them taste delicious!


If you feel like you need extra boost, you can also sea salt your water by adding a pinch to every glass. 


But remember, salt is a food, ideally it should be consumed with your food – all of your salt intake should not be through water.


Reaching for Gatorade or some other electrolyte beverage?


Here are a few recommendations for better options that contain nutrients that will re-hydrate without relying on sugar for the artificial boost of energy (listed from best to good):

  • Coconut water – high in potassium but contains other minerals as well. Is nature’s electrolyte beverage – think of where coconuts grow and are abundant – tropical climates! Can add a pinch of sea salt, if you desire.
  • Goodonya – this is an electrolyte powder with similar amounts of sodium and potassium
  • Electrolyte Lemonade (great for summer) – 2 cups of quality water, 4 teaspoons of maple syrup, and 4 tablespoons of lemon juice. Will give you 118mg of potassium and 3.8mg of sodium, so you can add a little pinch of sea salt, if you desire.
  • Concentrace Trace Mineral Drops by Trace Minerals Research (low dose electrolytes)
  • 40,000 Volts! by Trace Minerals Research (higher dose electrolytes)
  • Ultima may want to add a pinch of sea salt as it has 4x the amount of potassium to sodium
  • Nuun tablets


Last to know

The recommendation for potassium is 3,500 – 4,700 milligrams but this also doesn’t take into account your current levels of potassium and/or how long you have been deficient.


Hint, if you are deficient you need more!


But regardless this is a good place to start.


Track your food intake for a day using Cronometer. How much potassium are you consuming?


Start with consuming more veggies!!!


A few high-potassium foods are beet greens, avocados, potatoes, and beets.


Notice I didn’t say banana….Veggies have more potassium then a banana, many double the amount.


If you are on my newsletter, you’ll get a PDF with potassium-rich foods with their amounts so you can start grasping the idea of how many veggies you really need to consume.


If you want it, download here.


Work with me

Want to stop guessing?


Feel like you already eat tons of vegetables?


Book a free Connection Call today.

The One Supplement You Will Find in my Medicine Cabinet (or Fridge)

For about the past 3 years I have become die hard about one supplement for my family.


It has been miraculous to see the transformation that occurs – healing happens quick!


A friend tipped me off about this when I had sliced my thumb with a knife while cutting vegetables.


A few weeks later I did it again but it was on my palm.


My sister sliced her hand while cutting food and it helped her.


My son flipped over the handlebars of his bike and skid on his face across rocks.


My go to, must have for all wound healing now is royal jelly!


Royal jelly has become an unexpected staple in my medicine cabinet (it is actually stored in the fridge) after my knife incidents because both deep cuts, that borderline needed stiches, were functional in a few days to a week and healed basically completely within 2 weeks!


My son’s face (below) was scraped bad and of course worried about scarring but was healed in under a week!


What is royal jelly?

Royal jelly is what nourishes the queen bee and bee larvae up til the 3rd day of their life.


I’m focusing on wound healing here because that is what I use it for, but go ahead and dive deeper into Royal jelly, it is a powerhouse of nutrition that can benefit a variety of different ailments.


Why do I love it for wound healing?

It is loaded with the raw materials needed to repair skin.


Royal jelly is abundant of proteins and amino acids.


Proteins are broken down into amino acids and amino acids are the building blocks of tissues!


Royal jelly also is full of vitamins, including B vitamins; minerals, including potassium, magnesium, calcium, copper, sulfate, and zinc; enzymes, phenolics, and fatty acids, mainly medium chain fatty acids.


Royal jelly has been shown to significantly improves tissue repair and increase collagen production, both a factor in skin health!


A few studies to check out on royal jelly:


Difference between royal jelly and honey?

There are probably more than this but I’m focusing on what I know first-hand.


Royal jelly is bitter AF. To give to my son I had to do half royal jelly and half honey.


Raw honey that is unprocessed includes royal jelly and so much more.


Where do you get it?

The product we use is Y.S. Eco Bee Farms 100% Pure Fresh Royal Jelly (which unfortunately we haven’t been able to find lately and is great for littles who cannot swallow pills) or their Royal Jelly Capsules (this is dried Royal Jelly). You can find Y.S. Eco Bee Farms products at Kimberton Whole Foods and Amazon.


I sent my sister Now’s Royal Jelly and that worked well for her!


These supplements you will take orally. The purpose is to provide the body the raw material to heal the wound, this is done from the inside out.


You can search your local grocery store too for any 100% raw honey that is unprocessed. It will include royal jelly. You can also use this topically.


Beekeeper’s Naturals’ Superfood Honey is also an option.


If you are a subscriber to my newsletter, you have access to my supplement dispensary where you will get 15% off and you’ll see my recommendations there.

Client’s One Supplement Win

A client came to me a couple of months ago frustrated because although she eats organic and is active she is unable to maintain a healthy weight.


She had done multiple programs promising her to lose the weight but she’s frustrated because it comes back after wrapping up the program!


So she came to me with a few goals but the primary ones being:

  1. Address digestion as gallbladder has been removed
  2. Maintain and/or lose weight


When I asked her which health goal of her was #1 she said “digestion because I think it’ll address the weight.”


WOOHOO!! So happy she said that because it definitely will as I strongly believe the missing piece for her is that she did not and has not received education about her specific circumstances and how they connect to her goals.


And then this happened…


During our latest call she said she had become aware that if she doesn’t bring her supplements with her when she goes out to eat she feels very bloated.




Bloat is inflammation!

Inflammation is a major driver of weight!


The other thing this client noticed is that since her last program ended (not mine) and she’s incorporated fats (it was very low fat, if not fat free as part of her elimination) she hasn’t even gained weight! She’s been maintaining the same weight that she lost throughout the program.


So what’s the difference? What is she doing differently?


She’s specifically addressing her circumstances to optimize her health!


This client had her gallbladder removed almost 10 years ago with zero guidance on diet or what to do.


No information for why she got sluggish, stagnant bile in the first place.


This is my beef!


Western medicine is amazing for this reason, emergency acute situations that need resolution immediately.


There is a time and need for it.


But it completely misses the mark for addressing the root of the problem. Why did this client need to have her gallbladder removed in the first place?!


Why did she have sluggish, stagnant bile?


Removing the organ addressed the immediate problem that was being experienced but not addressing WHY it happened.


So the one shift she made at the first initial contact we had was to implement fat digestion support.


She went out on her own and found it and it has made a major improvement for her as she said above – she notices she bloats without it!


Bloat is coming from her food not being properly digested and when it gets to the small intestines it is irritating the gut and microbes creating inflammation and bloat.


It also helps explain why she is able to lose weight on a program that is eliminating fats or keeps them very low. She’s removing the “problem” that is currently causing the inflammation!


But removing fat doesn’t address the root of why fat is causing inflammation hence why the weight comes back usually when she brings fat back into her diet.


The key for her is that the supplement she chose has bile salts which is critical for her with not having her gallbladder anymore.


The bile salts are responsible for emulsifying (mixing) bile and fats within in the small intestines. Without this emulsification dietary fats and fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, and K) are not absorbable(usable) by the body.


I am so thrilled this client identified this experience of going out without her fat digestion supplementation and becoming bloated. It is that more powerful when you become aware of the connections.


What I also loved is that the Functional Clinical Assessment we did to build out her customized protocol confirmed that her liver and gallbladder needed that support to reduce the stress on the gut.


If you are ready to start addressing the root of your problems and stop chasing symptoms with Western medicine, book a free Connection Call today!


Mint Chocolate Ice Cream Cake

This year I am making an effort to celebrate everyone and create traditions for Bubba and baby girl to take part of.


Especially now that Bubba LOVES singing happy birthday and blowing out candles.


So for Zach’s birthday, we made an ice cream cake because I forgot to feed the starter so cake wasn’t an option!


This was inspired by Half Baked Harvest’s cookie dough ice cream cake based on our preferences and what we had available to us.


According to Bubba (Zach agreed though), this was the best ice cream and cake I ever made. I think I nailed the minty-ness just right on this one – the cookies I chose I think helped with the right balance.



Mint Chocolate Ice Cream Cake Recipe


  • 6.4oz box of Back to Nature Fudge Mint Cookies
  • 4 tablespoons Kerrygold Salted Butter, room temperature
  • 6 chicken yolks (save the whites for a breakfast protein boost) (if using duck, 4 yolks)
  • 1/2 cup of maple syrup
  • 16oz Shellbark Farm Raw Goat Milk
  • 1 cup of Seven Stars Farm Organic Heavy Whipping Cream
  • 1 tablespoon of Flavorganics Vanilla Extract
  • 1 tablespoon of Simple Organic Peppermint Extract


  • Food processor
  • Round cake pan
  • Spoon
  • Small bowl
  • Large bowl
  • Measuring cups
  • Whisk
  • Ice cream maker (I have the Kitchen Aid Mixer Ice Cream Maker attachment)


  1. 24 hours before you start, put the bowl of the ice cream maker in the freezer. Note if you have a different ice cream maker than the Kitchen Aid attachment, follow the instructions for your ice cream maker.
  2. Time to make the cake – Dump all the Fudge Mint Cookies into the food processor. Pulse until the cookies are broken up into desired size. I went for medium-ish fine.
  3. Add in the butter and pulse to incorporate with cookie mixture until you can press some together to stick.
  4. Add about two-thirds of the mixture to a cake pan and push and spread out on the bottom of the pan. Pack it down.
  5. Put the pan into the freezer while you do the rest.
  6. Over a small bowl, crack the eggs to separate white and yolk. Leave the white in the small bowl and put the yolk in a large bowl.
  7. In the large bowl, you have the yolks, now add the maple syrup. Whisk to break up the yolks and mix with the maple syrup.
  8. To the large bowl, add goat milk, cream, vanilla extract, and peppermint extract. Whisk to integrate everything.
  9. Go get your ice cream bowl from the freezer and set up your machine.
  10. Add your mixture to the ice cream bowl.
  11. Turn it on low (I do #2) and let it mix for 20-30 minutes. You want it to look like ice cream, won’t be hard but will be firmer than soft serve.
  12. Take out pan from the freezer when ice cream is ready. Add ice cream to the pan.
  13. Before spreading it out, add the remaining third of the cookie mixture to the ice cream and mix it up with the ice cream. Then spread out the ice cream to fit the pan
  14. Put the pan back in the freezer for a minimum of 4 hours, possibly longer.
  15. When ready to serve, take out of the freezer and let sit on the counter for a few minutes.
  16. I ran my hands under hot water and then touched the outside of the pan trying to warm up the sides of it. I flipped the pan over onto a large plate and let it slowly slide out.


There you have it! I hope you enjoy it as much as we did!

Sourdough May Be the Reason you Can’t Lose Weight

As we discussed a few weeks ago….carbs make you fat, not fat.


Your homemade sourdough EVERYTHING may be the reason you can’t lose weight.


I have fallen into this trap too, so while this may feel like a straight up attack know this comes from personal experience and you are not alone.


Remember, excessive carb consumption past your body’s requirements gets stored as fat cells.


So let’s get real:

  • How are you using sourdough?
  • Is it the star of the meal or side kick?
  • How many times a day are you reaching for it?

Look I get it! Especially during pregnancy and postpartum or even if you don’t want to cook.


It is quick + easy to grab.


But it is not enough food + certainly not enough nutrients to support your body’s continuous operation.


My own personal experience:

  • Avocado sourdough toast with smoked salmon is not a effective breakfast >> I am hungry within an hour
  • A sourdough sandwich with deli meat, arugula, pickled onions is not enough >> I am searching for more within 30 mins
  • Taco night with sourdough tortillas >> stuffed after 2 and wake up starving in the middle of the night

I’ve done that! And tracked it….its around 1600 calories, no wonder I am starving!


For additional context, since I am breastfeeding and trying to get back to consistently working out I should be consuming closer to 2300 calories daily to sustain my energy, repair my body, and fuel my goals.


Listen, I’m not saying don’t have the sourdough. But use it as a condiment.


I was using sourdough as a vehicle to get food in + became the focus of every meal.


But that means I eat way less protein than required, consuming wayyyy to many simple carbs and has me constantly searching for food to eat.


A meal should keep you full until your next meal without having to snack while maintaining stable energy and mood. 


How you do that is by building a plate with adequate protein, vegetables/fiber, and fat while minimizing empty calories, most processed/packaged food that are very high in sugar and low in protein and fat.


Ideally, your plate contains:

  • A minimum of a palm-size piece of protein such as fish, chicken, beef, etc. Yes I’m really going to push for an animal meat here.
  • At least half the plate, or 3-4 cups, filled with a variety of vegetables like broccoli, beets, mushrooms, herbs, tomatoes, onions, asparagus, zucchini, fennel, bell peppers, etc.
  • Add fat as a sauce to make your protein and/or veggies delicious so you eat all of it. I love a pesto this time of year. But for the most part, the fat will be in your animal meat or what you use to cook. If you feel like you could have more, nuts and seeds can add a delicious crunch that some people crave.
  • If you are not sedentary for your job, an athlete, pregnant or breastfeeding, consider adding grains or a starch to make up a quarter of your plate. Your energy expenditure is greater than a desk worker on a daily basis and need to support those demands properly without getting hungry in between meals. Depending on your level of activity, this will vary day-to-day even meal-to-meal.


How many vegetables are you getting in every day?


How much protein are you getting in daily?


Are you able to go without needing to snack between meals, including coffee?


Are you able to avoid being irritable, impatient, snappy, and/or headaches between meals?


I help clients with this so schedule a free Connection Call to see if we’d be a good team to work together and get you to feel absolutely amazing this summer and be able to crush summer without getting hangry!

7 Items I Must Buy at Trader Joe’s

Are you trying to make better food decisions on a budget?


Food prices continue to raise and are a current pain point for us.


Food is our largest monthly expense and we’ve done so much slashing of our expenses over the past 6 years that there’s not much more we can cut.


And knowing how our food system is managed, I have a real difficult time budging on quality.


There are couple tricks I do use when grocery shopping:

  • Buy in bulk – things like spices, oats, rice, etc.
  • Buy the least processed form + spend the additional time for the finished product – this one really requires you to plan ahead and make time but buying dry beans and cooking them yourself can slash the price significantly as well as making your own bread.
  • Look for sales – your weekly menu is based on the grocery store’s sales that week or you go and only buy items that are on sale and figure out how to make your meals from that. Also, buying more than you need for the week when an item is on sale – nonperishable items are fantastic to stock up on like canned diced tomatoes, but also meats can be frozen past their expiration date
  • Buy frozen vs fresh – frozen veggies and fruit are picked at their prime ripeness and immediately frozen. This can be a cheaper option than buying fresh
  • Buy in season – fruit and veggie that is being grown at that moment and is local to your area is going to be the cheapest available. Right now you’ll find berry prices are almost half what they were 3 months ago.


Are there staples that you buy every week?


Foods that your family expects to have readily available whenever they want?


It appears that Trader Joe’s prices have MINIMALLY changed.


The awesome part, is they have standards and all their products in stores are not GMOs and do no include synthetic colors or artificial flavors.


There are a handful of items that I always buy at Trader Joe’s:

  • Teeny tiny avocados (6 for $2.99)
  • Organic coconut aminos (2.99)
  • Zico coconut water has no sugar added ($4.29)
  • Organic tri-color bell peppers (4.99 for 3)
  • Organic coconut milk with no other junk added ($1.99 for a can)
  • Organic mini cucumbers ($2.99 for 7)
  • Organic broccoli slaw ($2.49 for 12oz)


I save more than half by going to Trader Joe’s for these items – $33.72 exactly.


I even stock up on avocados! Buying 3 bags at once. They are usually hard as rocks when I get them, let them ripen on the counter, and then move them to the fridge where they will last a couple of weeks.


With raising food costs, I know making healthier food choices can seem impossible, especially if you have multiple mouths to feed or babies that just throw the food on the ground…


But I hope this can help you out a little bit.


Have you figured out ways to not spend a fortune and still get the food and quality you want? I’d love to hear how you are doing it!


If I eat breakfast, I’m going to be eating all day!

Several people have told me they don’t eat breakfast, they feel better if they don’t eat breakfast, they uncontrollably eat all day if they eat breakfast, and they only need coffee for breakfast.


There is so much to unpack here!


First, you’ve most likely learned to adapt your breakfast habits to how you feel, but is that optimal for you or is it working with underlying issues?


Quickly, when told these things I hear:

  • “I don’t eat breakfast” >> “I don’t have the time to eat, I hit the floor running and don’t stop”
  • “I feel better if I don’t eat breakfast” >> “I am unable to digest my food properly and what I ate last night is still sitting there”
  • “I uncontrollably eat all day if I eat breakfast” >> “I don’t know how to build a macro nutrient balanced plate to keep me full before my next meal”
  • “I only need coffee for breakfast” >> “I thrive off cortisol pumping through my body”


Continuing from last week’s discussion, breakfast really is the most important meal!


What you choose to eat to start your day, will dictate your energy, hunger, and mood for the remainder of the day.


Issue with our society, we have made high carb breakfast the socially acceptable breakfast that we can quickly grab and eat in the car on our way to our destination.


Whether it is donuts, bagels, pop tarts, cereal, oatmeal, muffins, waffles, or pancakes these are the preferred breakfast foods of America.


And you wonder why “America runs on Dunkin” because you are there all damn day ordering coffee and donuts to fuel the rollercoaster your blood sugar is on.


Flip the switch and eat the foods the “experts” deem bad for your heart but instead will actually keep you fueled until lunch!


Eat the eggs, sausage, bacon, butter (real butter not the fake/vegan shit)! These are full of protein and fat that will keep you full and satisfied!


Remember from last week:

Carbs are the kindling. You need to constantly stoke the fire to keep it going by consuming carbs.

While fats are the logs. You can eat some fat and leave to go do something and the fire will continue to burn.


Now I’m not saying eat no carbs!


No, no, no – I want you to include a solid amount of protein and fat with the carb of your choice.


Obviously, I’d prefer you had veggies or fruit for your carb – yogurt parfaits, omelets are fantastic options.


But the key here is to eat enough protein and fat along with the carbs in a balance to not spike your blood sugar leading to that crash and needing to reach for coffee again at 10am or another donut that was left in the office kitchen.


Tips on how to build a breakfast:

  • Identify protein – eggs, sausage, smoked salmon, ham, cottage cheese, any leftover meats from dinner
  • Identify fat – eggs, sausage, bacon, smoked salmon, avocado, butter
  • Identify carb – any veggie or fruit, but also your breads (donuts, bagels, toast, waffles, pancakes)
  • Protein should at a minimum be the size of your palm, I really push clients for at least 2 palms. Consider both the full diameter of the palm and thickness.
  • Fat will most likely be what you use to cook your meal or added in for flavor vs an individual source so I wouldn’t sweat this as much.
  • Carbs may be the challenge for most of you. I’d love to see 1/2 the plate in veggies, that fiber is going to slow the glucose (sugar) absorption down and keep you fuller longer. Realistically, I know some of you aren’t going to do that. So my suggestion is eat the protein and fat first and the carb last whether it is fruit or a pancake. Listen to your body, are you full? Then stop eating, don’t force the full pancake if you don’t need to.


If you are having coffee, highly encourage you to wait to drink it with your meal or shortly after finishing it. I do not recommend consuming coffee on an empty stomach. Ever.


That is the basics of how to build a plate.


If you are a newsletter subscriber, you got two breakfast ideas – one egg and one egg-free – that are macro nutrient balanced.


But you eat really well, have balanced meals, and still feel tired within an hour or eat all the time!


Time to schedule your free connection call to dive deeper to uncover your exact needs.