
My Passion for Nutrition and Food

A friend asked me yesterday why I am here, what am I passionate about, why do I love food and nutrition?

And I realized that for many of you, you may not know my story and what fueled me to be where I am today. So if you want to learn more about my journey, how corporate America pushed me into food and nutrition, and why I am passionate about helping others manage their stress through simple shifts in food and lifestyle I hope you watch the video below. It is filled with heart and emotion that cannot be conveyed through writing.

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Food Allergies vs. Sensitivities

The common misconception is that people who chose to eliminate specific foods are picky eaters, inconvenient and just doing the latest fad.  The truth is that some people have become in tune with their bodies and notice adverse effects when certain foods are consumed.  Everyone’s reactions are different in how they manifest.

For example, while eating out I may ask if something is “gluten-free”. Almost every time the person will ask “Are you allergic or is it a preference?”.  This question erks me. Who cares if it is my preference! If I want something gluten-free I should have the confidence in knowing what I’m eating is just that! And to be honest, now when posed with that question, I tell them I am allergic.  I won’t die if I have it, but my body will tell me it is angry with me for consuming it.  It’s my choice that I don’t want to eat gluten, others shouldn’t sabotage it.

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Giving in to Supplements

My belief has always been that the food we consume can heal us. However, I was reminded that our food does not contain the same nutrient content as it once did as the soil our food is grown in is often nutrient deficient due to monoculture, pesticides, etc.  Although I’ve drastically overhauled how I eat, it is clear something is still fucked up – could be I’m not digesting my food properly and/or not absorbing nutrients. Honestly, I’m at my wits end over here, so I have finally caved on supplements.

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Health Update

At the end of last year, I had given up hope on healing my body. I felt like I had done everything right – I eat a clean diet, minimal sugar, followed a leaky gut protocol for 30-days, reduced my workouts, and had significantly reduced my stress. But my face remained the same and it seemed other things were starting to pop-up — dry skin around my hairline and muscle fatigue in my shoulder which can be bad at times.  I had researched a low-sulfur diet, but honestly it was so restrictive I was hesitant to implement it – okay I don’t want to. I basically told myself, screw it until the renovation is done because at the end of the day, I think it is the culprit for most of my issues. Full disclosure – I don’t clean often and with the reno it is ALWAYS dirty that I don’t see the point.

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Healing SIBO and Parasites

We passed!! The NYC NTP class did it!  It has been 3 weeks since passing my final for my NTP certification from the NTA! Ah, now what do I do with all my free time?!?!

Well, guess what isn’t resolved? Yup, face rash not gone, still red and getting itchy again!! (yeah the kitchen reno isn’t done either, but I have very little involvement in that)

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Nutritional Challenge – Changes

Day 7 of no sugar, gluten, dairy, or alcohol.  Eating healthy doesn’t mean you can’t have delicious and tasty food!

Only 1 day of slip ups which for the most part were out of our hands…look I know we could’ve CHOSEN to not have alcohol or dessert, no one was MAKING us consume these things. But stressing out about our food choices will not benefit our bodies either. So yes, we had beer (Zach) and champagne (me) and ate desserts (shared mini desserts and didn’t Repeat the same one). The food at the wedding was amazing and I’m sure there was sugar and hydrogenated fats in there, but I didn’t stress about it. We did make the conscious effort to not eat bread at dinner and didn’t stuff ourselves. So I’ll take that as a win while dining out.

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Nutritional Challenge – WHY?

Starting today, for the rest of the month – NO GLUTEN, SUGAR or DAIRY!  My snacking has gotten out of control the last few weeks, the worst part is that I’m not even hungry! I’m just eating because I need a mental break and do something else.

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Digestion: The basics to help fuel your daily grind

With all the stress I have in my life, the last thing I thought I was effecting was my digestion.  Hell, for the past few years I’ve completely shifted what I ate and how I thought about food.  I thought I was doing a pretty damn good job of eating the right foods to provide my body the fuel I needed to perform optimally. Enter NTA and a wrench in my daily grind…I have come to the realization that over at least the past 2 years I have been “thriving” off of cortisol and epinephrine (adrenaline).

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Recovery Journey

Adrenal Fatigue – Part 3

I have been doing CrossFit for 4.5 years with varying degrees of dedication.  I would consider myself one of the “weaker” females in my gym.  My 1-rep max deadlift hovers around 155# (that is this year) and has seen little improvement.  The weak deadlifts have always been blamed on my running habits – quad dominant and weaker hamstrings; oh and my inability to activate my glutes.  Well in April this chick hit a 200# sumo deadlift. SAY WHAT?! My body felt great that day, there was no “knot” above my right glute and that damn bar went up when I lifted it.

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The Crash

Adrenal Fatigue – Part 2

Adrenal fatigue does not appear overnight.  There are subtle things that can fester over the years.  There can also be one event that will throw your adrenals over that threshold into fatigue.

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