
3 Nutrition Beliefs I Ditched After becoming a Mom

I’m sure you’ve heard them all before:


  1. Sugar is poison
  2. Carbs are bad
  3. Calorie deficit is a must to lose weight


Well I’m here to tell ya that being a mom is a lot of work and these 3 nutrition beliefs do not apply if I want to fit in the clothes I want to wear while being patient and playful with my kids and check off all of my to do list.


Motherhood is not a sedentary job where you have control over your work day (to some degree, if you’ve spent a day with kids under 5 you’ll get what I mean here).


The reality is, when you have a 9-5 job where you mostly sit all day long at a computer, and now that everything is remote, you’re not even walking across the huge corporate office to attend a meeting several times a day, you’re simply clicking on a link to join a meeting instead – your steps are being reduced even further.


In this scenario, 1200 calories and utilizing vegetables as your carb source may work to help you lose or maintain your weight.


But with kids dictating your life:

  • Demanding a snack after they just ate breakfast 20 minutes ago
  • Taking out all the play food kitchen and throwing it on the floor right after you had re-organized it to vacuum the floor
  • Screaming to be held while you are going to the bathroom or taking a shower
  • Siblings fighting over who gets what toy now
  • Climbing all over you while you try to get 20 minutes of an ab workout in


Don’t even forget you’re still the:

  1. Chef
  2. Maid
  3. Butler
  4. Driver
  5. Nurse/Doctor
  6. Therapist
  7. Coach
  8. Play friend
  9. Treasurer
  10. Organizer
  11. Planner
  12. Wife
  13. Friend
  14. Daughter
  15. Sister

You’re a mother!


And the number one thing I’ve realized is that motherhood is in of itself is a stressor, a huge one, that even with all the tools in your toolbox to reduce stress and increase your joy – you must fuel your body with food as if you are training for a marathon.


With strategically consuming sugar throughout the day to avoid low dips in blood sugar that make you get headaches, become irritable, impatient, shaky, weak, dizzy, or absolutely tired.


Same way that runners use gu packets to provide energy to continue running without bonking.


Consuming 1200-1500 calories every day, relying on only vegetables as your carb source and avoiding sugar, fruits, bread, pasta, rice and more is NOT ENOUGH FOOD to sustain the demands on you every day.


No wonder you want to scream by 10am, go to sleep at 2pm, rather order pizza then cook, and grab a bottle of wine after the kids go to sleep and watch TV until 11pm and still struggle to fall asleep.


To actually be superwoman, I think sugar can be a great tool in your toolbox to make life easier while still losing weight.


For those peak stressful moments, like responding to emergencies when someone flips over the bike handle bars or fingers get slammed in car doors – consuming sugar to fuel that response and/or sustain it can be extremely helpful so you don’t crash after the emergency subsides.


For support to stop starving yourself and start crushing marathons, join the waitlist to be the first to know about the program I am creating specifically for moms to become superwoman this year.


Before you plan that detox for January 1st to lose weight quick

Have you ensured it isn’t going to make you feel like you’re dying?




You’re intentionally pushing out toxins, pathogens, heavy metals, and waste your body stored away purposely because it didn’t have a safe way to remove them without harming yourself


Pushing your body when it isn’t ready could mean:

  • Being MORE tired
  • Unable to sleep
  • Unbearable migraines
  • Running to the toilet all day and night
  • Debilitating cramps
  • Feel like you have the worst flu or stomach virus?! With fever, chills, nausea, and muscle aches


You don’t have time for that!


You need to address why your body stored all that shit away, in your fat and organs, to protect you from getting sick!


So here are 6 basics to consider before doing a detox >>>>>


Are you hydrated?


  • Blood and lymph needs to be flowing without obstruction
  • Tissues and joints lubricated
  • Peeing efficiently
  • Pooping logs easily 1-3x a day


Are you moving your body throughout the day?

8,000 – 10,000 steps a day is a good marker, if you are excluding your 1-hour gym workou.


A 5 mile run once a day, may mean you’re sitting for the remaining 15 hours of your day which defeats the point of movement. Ask me how I know.


Movement needs to be happening all day to ensure the lymph which is responsible for clearing out waste, lipids, and the clean up crew from anything your body is fighting (illness) is moving as it relies on muscle contractions to flow.


Also means, more than just straight line movements (like walking), but how often are you rotating, doing circular movements? We got shoulders and thighs that are ball and sockets, are you utilizing those full ranges?


Are you consuming non-rancid fats?

Fat makes up your bile and is the carrier of toxins out of the liver through the gut and out of the body.


You need to be consuming fat for your gallbladder to get the signal to release the bile to digest the fats in your meal.


Are you consuming enough fiber?

Fiber is not digestible by your body but it mops up and binds to bile and toxins to be eliminated through your poop so it is out of your body!


Is your digestion optimized?

Are you thoroughly breaking down your food so that it is not creating inflammation in your gut and gunking up your pipes?


Are you consuming adequate amounts of protein, B vitamins, anti-oxidants and minerals?

All of which are the raw materials needed for the liver to actually detox toxins out of the body properly without clogging up the liver.


Sound overwhelming and that a detox is never going to happen without feeling like utter crap?


I got something brewing to help you incorporate these into your daily life so that (1) your body can detox on the daily but also (2) if you do intentionally do a detox you don’t end up in bed with the house falling into chaos


Click Here!


To be added the to waitlist and be first to hear the details of how you’ll never need another detox to lose the weight because you weight won’t be constantly on you mind.

Avoid Exhaustion as an Introvert

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!


My weekend is jam full packed with family and gatherings.


For this introvert, it will be overwhelming and exhausting so there’s a few things I will be doing daily to help.


First, do you know the whole introvert / extrovert isn’t a life sentence?


It simply means how you recharge.


What gives you energy vs draining your battery.


It’s not good or bad, just a tool for you to understand how to gain more energy and know what depletes it.


So obviously, while you may be an introvert, you can still make the holidays work for you, not end up dead beat beat exhausted or sidelined with illness shortly after.


Here are my try and true tips:

  1. Carve out me time. Alone time. May be counterintuitive when you are tired but waking up at the same time every day. Getting up 15 minutes earlier than anyone else. Sitting in silence. No one asking or talking to you. What you do in those 15 minutes is up to you but here’s what I do…
  2. Sip something warm that is not coffee. Hot ginger lemon water, is often my choice, with a little sea salt. Today it was caffeine-free chai latte.
  3. Journal. Get any reoccurring thoughts out of playing over and over in my head.
  4. Gently move my body. Stretch, leaning into tightness and breathing deep. Open up tissues to allow muscles to move more freely, blood move more easily. After all, this is how oxygen and nutrients get delivered to where they need to go to give us energy.
  5. Get outside. Feel the coldness on my face and neck. Breathe in the cool air. Pair this with number 4 and get outside for a brisk walk early in the morning.
  6. Eat a protein rich breakfast like 2 eggs, sausage and a hash (potatoes, peppers, zucchini). Provides stable blood sugar levels so you don’t crash needing coffee in 2 hours and avoid getting irritable and shaky. This is regardless of when you will be gathering. Eating within the first hour of waking up helps reduce stress for the rest of the day and will help you avoid making poor food choices you wouldn’t if not famished and not over eat.



What are your ways of energizing yourself during the holidays and avoiding burnout?

Slaw Omelet

One of the most common comments I see or receive is – “how can I get my child to eat healthier? or eat more vegetables?”


Something along those lines.


I am a firm believer that step 1 is assessing your relationship with food.

What are you eating?

How are you eating?

What are your feeling/comments about food?


Kids mirror their parents.


Step 2 is don’t give up.


It takes repeat exposure for them.

May need to be prepared in a different way.

Adding a sauce for something to dip into


Step 3 if your kid isn’t hopped up on sugar, I strongly believe kids know what their bodies need and will eat more of that thing and avoid what they do not need.


I would be mindful of when you think your kid falls into step 3.

It is not an excuse to eat all the sugar and junk food.

But a reason for maybe eating more fruit, more milk / dairy products, avoiding fish, etc.

This can be waves of days or we’ve experienced weeks.


Since day 1, our kids eat what we eat. They do not get separate meals.


But strangely, baby girl has wanted nothing to do with eggs. Zero. Zilch. They get thrown overboard every time without any going down into her stomach.


Now this girl eats EVERYTHING and ANYTHING in MASSIVE amounts. So it has been odd to us that she outright refuses eggs.


Well not recently!


I made this omelet with slaw for Bubba and I and baby girl ate almost HALF of EACH of one! She’s been munching on some now every time I make it.


And Bubba loves this dish.


Luckily, it is a fantastic way to get some extra fiber into their bellies! That is not fruit!!!


This dish is inspired by Cook By Color YEARS ago and has been a favorite of mine for some time now. Here’s how I make it.




  • Ghee or Extra Virgin Olive Oil
  • Broccoli slaw (Trader Joe’s carries one but can be found at most grocery stores in the produce section)
  • 2 eggs (chicken or duck)
  • Clove of garlic
  • A knob of ginger
  • Sea salt
  • Coconut aminos


  1. Heat an 8-in pan over medium heat
  2. Crack 2 eggs into a bowl and scramble. Grate the garlic and ginger into the bowl and mix slightly
  3. Add a spoon of ghee to the pan, cover the bottom of the pan with ghee
  4. Add a handful of broccoli slaw to the pan with a pinch of sea salt. Sauté until softened.
  5. Spread out the slaw to cover the bottom of the pan. Move the slaw to create hole in the center. Add another spoonful of ghee. Let melt. Lightly fill the hole back in with slaw.
  6. Scramble the egg and pour into the pan in the center. May need to maneuver the egg around to fully spread out over the pan.
  7. Turn heat down to low medium heat.
  8. Let it sit, don’t touch. You want the sides to turn opaque and the center to not be completely watery that when you flip it a giant mess is made. When ready (maybe 5ish minutes) flip using a spatula.
  9. Turn off the heat and let sit for a few minutes.
  10. Plate the omelet and top off with as much coconut aminos as desired


I realize it is not the most appealing omelet but I swear it is really good!


You could also sauté some onions with the slaw for additional flavor.


I’ll serve this with some sort of meat (sausage or bacon) and usually a clementine.



Stop Guessing What Supplements you Need!

Have you ever taken a multi-vitamin or B complex that made you feel horrible?

Do you take digestive enzymes but still bloat?

Are you taking 20+ supplements because you’ve heard about all the great benefits, but unsure if you actually notice a difference?


What if I told you I have a way to eliminate the guess work and identify supplementation that you actually feel different taking?!


The Functional Clinical Assessment (FCA) is a tool I was taught during my Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner (FNTP) Program at the Nutritional Therapy Association (NTA).


Phew that was a mouth full but that’s where this all has stemmed from.


Why I love the FCA?

It allows me to communicate with your body to gather valuable information to assess your nutritional needs.


It eliminates the need for expensive testing which doesn’t always tell you exactly what you need.


It identifies organs under stress and allows us to prioritize support for those organs to be the most effective.


In other words, it allows me to identify nutrients that support your stressed out organs help balance and support other organs!


For example, recently I had a client do an hair tissue mineral analysis (HTMA) which indicated digestive support was needed.


If we were only using the HTMA results I would have recommended supplementing HCl.


Well during the FCA, HCl supplementation actually stressed the stomach more than with no support.


Through a little more digging we identified the stomach actually needed mucosal lining support!


Fantastic because had I recommended HCl supplementation, this client may have actually been in discomfort when taking the supplement because their stomach cannot handle the increase in acidity with a compromised mucosal lining, at this time.


The other side of that was, once we supported digestion we balanced their stress response!


Again their HTMA indicated that they were in a chronic state of stress that has led to exhaustion.


But once we supported their stomach, it actually eliminated their stress!


Stress covers such a broad number of things that actually cause stress for an individual.


Identifying what your number one stressor is key to helping bring balance to the body.


That’s why I freaking love the FCA.


It is unique and can tell you what nutrients your body needs today in order to support your body to meet your health goals.


So how is the FCA conducted?

The client lays on a massage table and I perform a series of palpation points that correlate with organs of the body.


A palpation is a specific point on the body that I apply pressure to in which you provide a rating between 0 and 10 (only pressure to really tender).


Once we have gathered information on all the points we can introduce nutrients to see what nutrients the organs need and which need to be prioritized over others.


Basically we identify which came first, the chicken or the egg, so eliminate having to do all the things and focusing our precious time on habits and supplements that will move the needle the most for you.


Wait explain what the FCA is though

Every organ is surrounded by a network – can be neuro (brain), vascular (blood vessel), or neuro-lymphatic.


When an organ becomes stressed, blood and/or lymph is shunted.


This collection of fluid takes up space at the organ and registers as tenderness in the body.


The points of the FCA were discovered by Frank Champman, D.O., Terence Bennet, D.C., and Robert Riddler, a chiropractor.


But how do you identify what nutrients are needed?

Your body communicates continuously with objects in its biofield.


This isn’t woo woo it is proven that every object has an energy field that interacts with other energy fields.


Your body’s nervous system is constantly scanning the environment.


Information is received and interpreted by the brain to send communication signals through the vagal nerve to your body’s organs.


By introducing a nutrient to the body, we are using the body’s innate ability to discriminate between what it needs, and what it does not need, in order to rebalance a specific problem be it a weak organ or a nutritional deficiency.


And the best part is we don’t have to do more expensive lab testing to see when a supplement is no longer needed.


The body will tell us when it is sufficient.


Have you worked with doctors who’ve ordered all the tests, and say everything looks great?!


And tells you to get more sleep and stop eating so much sweets?


But you still feel like shit and its impossible to sleep more with a little that wakes up multiple times a night!?


You need support!


But your need is different than my need so let’s ask your body what it needs right now to get its vibrancy back.


Schedule a free connection call to learn more about my programs.

Vitamin D Spotlight

So maybe you have heard that many individuals that have fallen ill over this unprecedented time are deficient in vitamin D and maybe you heard other countries handing out vitamin D supplementation.


I for one am stoked that they are finally publicly talking about nutritional deficiencies!


BUT!! And this is a big but, it is misleading to blindly have every single person supplement with vitamin D…


My concerns:

  1. Do you know what your body’s vitamin D levels are? I’ll get into issues below.
  2. Do you know there is a vast array of quality in supplements on the market? This will make more sense as you read the mechanisms in the body below, but if we are consuming low quality supps that don’t do anything for us, our liver needs to process it (detoxify) and our body needs to eliminate it. If we have a struggling liver (detox issues, think skin issues) and we have sluggish bowels (not pooping at least dailywe are over burdening our bodies.
  3. Do you know too much vitamin D can lead to dysregulation of calcium within the body? Do you experience weak bones, calcium deposits within tissues or arteries, or kidney stones?

Let’s get into it – vitamin D is a nutrient as well as a hormone (it sends messages to communicate). It has roles in bone health, immunity, and calcium homeostasis.


Our primary source of vitamin D is the sun. So yes, a lifestyle of being inside a majority of the day and wearing sunblock when we go outdoors primes us for vitamin D deficiency. It can be found in our food but these are foods we have been told to minimize or avoid – fatty fish, animal liver, and egg yolks. Milk has been fortified with vitamin D but we still have vitamin D deficiency….weird….

No matter what form of vitamin D we get – whether it is from sun, food, or supplements – it is not in an active form that our body uses. All forms MUST GO through 2 CONVERSIONS within the body:

  1. If from the sun, the sun reacts with a molecule found in our skin to make pre-vitamin D3
  2. First conversion takes place in the liver to get calcidiol
  3. Second conversion takes place in the kidneys to get calcitroil – this is the ACTIVE HORMONE that we need for optimal health
  4. Both the first and second conversions require magnesium

I am stressing this because, it doesn’t matter if you take D2 or D3, if your liver and/or kidney function doesn’t work! So yes, shielding ourselves from the sun is one problem, but so is the fact that we live in a toxic swamp leaving our livers and kidneys struggling.


And how many of you are stressed AF? Stress depletes magnesium…


I’m not trying to add to the fear. But I think it is irresponsible to make generalized recommendations for the population when it needs to be addressed individually. It is time we take responsibility for our health so we can be healthy and handle hiccups.

When it comes to vitamin D recommendations, mine are below. Without further testing, I will never OK supplementation.

  1. Get a minimum of 15 minutes outside. No sunscreen or SPF clothing – naked is gold standard. No sunglasses (your eyes play a role!) The darker your skin, the more exposure to sun you need (mother nature is amazing and if you think about skin color and ancestrally where they are located, you see those that are closer the equator needed more protection as they are outside more. Those further away aren’t outside as much and need to get as much vitamin D as possible quickly). Download the DMinder app on your phone to tell you the prime time to get outside for most vitamin D impact
  2. Consume vitamin D food sources – fatty fish (sardines with the bones), animal liver, lard, and egg yolks. Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin, hence why you are seeing foods high in fat as the best sources! This also adds fuel to the fire, if you have been low-fat or non-fat, you not only are probably deficient but your liver is really struggling.

And if you suspect liver or kidney issues, let’s chat! Let’s do some testing to see what’s happening.

What is Nutrient Dense Food?

All this talk on social media about consuming nutrient dense food, having a meal that is nutrient dense, etc. but what does it mean?!


Consuming a nutrient dense, whole food diet is the foundation of the Nutritional Therapy Foundations.



Nutrient dense, whole food provides the fuel and raw ingredients the body requires to maintain health.


Food is not just about calories in, calories out.


We need to start thinking about food as fuel to our bodies as gas is to a car.


Without the proper fuel our bodies start slowing down and even though we may be slamming down the gas peddles the body just keeps puttering by.


What it means?

A nutrient dense, whole food diet means:

  • Consuming food as close to its original state as possible
  • Eating a diverse range of food
  • Eating locally and seasonally
  • Choosing organic over conventional produce
  • Choosing grass fed, pasture raised animal products fed a natural diet vs corn and soy-fed
  • Choosing wild-caught seafood over farm-raised
  • Soaking and sprouting grains, nuts, seeds, and legumes


Basically it is eating as close to nature as mother nature created with avoiding toxic chemicals man-made has created to create Frankenstein produce that bugs won’t even eat.


We are reducing the toxic burden / load and upping nutrient levels of amino acids, fatty acids, vitamins, minerals, polyphenols, and more.


A nutrient dense, whole food diet is required for optimal health.


Processed foods, like twinkies, donuts, pasta, etc. devour nutrient stores you may have and cause your body to work harder to achieve the balance it strives to always maintain.


Mostly because they are made with refined flours and sugars.


Refined means they have been stripped of beneficial nutrients so it is missing vitamins and minerals which are extremely important for your health.


Most minerals and vitamins must be consumed, your body does not make them.


And arguably, minerals and vitamins are the absolute foundation of our body and how it keeps working to keep our body functioning.


Food is not just about protein, carbohydrates, and fat.


Food companies try, really poorly, to fix what they have done by adding back in (fortifying) certain vitamins and nutrients.


But first these nutrients are synthetic, the poorest form available of the nutrient, that your body most likely doesn’t recognize, and needs to convert into an usable form by using already precious reserves of vitamins, minerals, and energy.


Second, they don’t add everything back in and nature isn’t dumb, it pairs things together nicely so that co-factors exist as minerals, vitamins, enzymes, and more all work synergistically together.


My favorite example being OJ or non-fat milk with vitamin D.


Vitamin D is fat-soluble meaning it needs to be consumed with fat to be utilized by the body.


How to start consuming a nutrient dense, whole food diet?

Overwhelmed at the thought of less processed food and more meats, veggies, fruits, legumes, and grains?


Start somewhere, don’t overhaul everything at once!


Start with one meal.


I recommend breakfast 😉 as it would hit multiple benefits but anyone, on any day will be beneficial.


A super simple way to hit this all for breakfast – an omelet.


What veggies do you like? Sauté those up or if you like them fresh add them fresh.


Don’t like omelets (I’m kinda with you there), do deconstructed!


Cook your eggs how you like them as well as the veggies you could have added to the side.


Lunch can be a big ass salad – grilled chicken, lettuce, and all the veggies you like fresh (like tomatoes or cucumber)and/or roasted (like butternut squash, parsnips, beets) with a homemade dressing (lemon juice, chopped garlic, and olive oil or dijon, maple syrup, apple cider vinegar, and olive oil).


Next step?

Already shopping primarily the perimeter of the grocery store?


Try hitting your local farmers’ market and aim to cook one meal that is locally sourced from in-season produce.


Try a veggie you’ve never had before.


Most of us probably eat the same 10 vegetables over and over.


Expand and try something new.


Variety will keep you interested but also provides a bigger array of nutrients in varying amounts.


Level up your legumes and grains

In an ideal world as I said earlier nuts, seeds, grains and legumes should be soaked, sprouted, and/or naturally leavened.


Are you soaking your rice before cooking?


Do you naturally leaven your flour before baking a cake?


Do you soak and sprout your nuts before consuming?


I would say this is last priority in the transition of a nutrient dense, whole food diet because it requires planning ahead and can be realy overwhelming when you are just trying to figure out how to cook more.


Don’t do this step unless you’ve conquered the first 2.


If you are here, message me for resources.


Need more guidance or feel like you have this down but you are still struggling with your goals?

Schedule a free Connection Call and tell me about it and I can tell you more about my 16-week program designed to help you with working towards your goals with tailored recommendations specific to you.

Raw Milk Coffee Ice Cream

Ice cream has always been a favorite of mine.


But it must be coffee!


I have no desire or care for any other flavor. Well except for sorbets.


Two super odd combos my husband makes fun of me for:

  1. Coffee ice cream and peanut butter sauce (my ultimate favorite)
  2. Coffee ice cream and raspberry sorbet (getting my son hooked on this one ha)


I could eat these 2 combinations all day long.


Why raw milk?

Ever since having kids, I only want them to have the best.


I don’t want to compromise their health in anyway.


That includes reducing processed foods that have been denatured and can negatively impact their body’s function and therefore health.


That doesn’t mean we never go out to get ice cream.


Raw milk is controversial, I get it.


But heating up food to remove potential harmful bacteria also kills nutrients and many beneficial attributes of milk.


It is actually a major factor for why individuals are lactose intolerant because during the process it kills enzymes naturally in milk that help you digest and break it down.


Pasteurized milk is absolutely necessary for milk coming from cows that live in nasty AF farms that include unsanitary living quarters, crammed in tight spaces, bacteria and disease are rampant.


But finding raw milk from a reputable local farm that is taking care of their animals as nature intended, giving them access to plenty of pasture and space to roam as well as feeding them a diet that their bodies know how to digest and utilize, is key.


Raw milk is full of bioavailable (recognizable and usable) nutrients.


it is loaded with fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K (that I could argue is deficient in many individuals in today’s society), vitamin C (!), B2, B6, and B12, and an array of minerals, like calcium, phosphorus, zinc, and iron.


Milk can be a beneficial food that is full of beneficial nutrients so I want to ensure my kids are getting the best instead of inflaming their gut (and if you have been here for a while you’ll remember my son actually had a sensitivity to dairy for the first 2 years of his life to the point it was cut out completely and I would know exactly when day care slipped because he would not poop the following day because it inflamed his gut so much!)


Okay enough talk, to the recipe…


Raw Milk Coffee Ice Cream

What you will need:

Kitchen Aid Ice Cream Mixer Attachment (or something to make the ice cream) – make sure the bowl has been in the freezer for at least 24 hours!

Large bowl


Measuring cups and spoons

Rubber spatula

A freezer safe container (we use a bread baking pan usually but also recently got these pint size containers)



4 duck yolks, or 6 chicken

2 cups of raw milk (we usually use Shellbark Farm’s Raw Goat Milk)

1 cup of heavy cream (we use Seven Stars Farm’s Organic Heavy Whipping Cream)

1/2 cup of maple syrup

1 tablespoon of vanilla extra

2 packets of Four Sigmatic Instant Coffee Mix (we used the one with ashwagandha and eleuthero)


  1. Put your container that you plan on storing the ice cream in into your freezer.
  2. Separate the yolk and egg white (save the whites to add a protein boost to your breakfast).
  3. Whisk the egg yolks.
  4. Add the raw milk, heavy cream, maple syrup, vanilla extra, and instant coffee in with the yolks and whisk everything together.
  5. Set up your ice cream maker (go get the ice cream bowl out of the freezer and set up the Kitchen Aid with all the attachments).
  6. Add the mixture into the ice cream maker bowl.
  7. Secure everything.
  8. Turn the Kitchen Aid onto stir and let it do its thing for 20-30 mins.
  9. You want it to thicken and it will also start to increase in volume and spill onto the upper edges of the ice cream maker bowl.
  10. Once you have the consistency you want, take our your container from the freezer, turn off the machine, and transfer the ice cream to the container using a rubber spatula
  11. Put the container in the freezer for a few hours to harden. Right out of the ice cream maker you have “soft serve” but I prefer it harder.


And that is it! Now you’ll have about 7 cups of nourishing, nutrient dense ice cream.


Why you need Nutritional Therapy

Mold. Parasites. Heavy metals. SIBO. Hormone issues.


These are all the trendy issues I’m seeing all over the holistic wellness community the last few years.


I’ve stayed pretty mum on it but I’m at the brim with it.


Mostly because I’m getting messages asking for a second opinion on protocols addressing one of these, on my free time, with little to no health history or information.


My question to you, if you did a specific protocol to address one of these – mold, parasites, heavy metals, SIBO, or hormone issues – did it completely 100% resolve it?


Or did you temporarily feel better but slowly started feeling like crap again?


I ask because did you also address why mold, parasites, heavy metals, SIBO or hormone imbalance even became an issue in the first place?


They are not ROOT CAUSES!


Which I have also come to loathe that term.


Each of these issues has a connection to one or more of the Nutritional Therapy Foundations not working properly:

  1. Consuming a nutrient dense, whole food diet
  2. Optimizing digestion
  3. Regulating blood sugar
  4. Balancing fatty acids
  5. Balancing minerals
  6. Adequate hydration


Mold, parasites, heavy metals, SIBO, or hormone issues became an issue because one of these, probably more, need support.


Explain more please


Nutrient dense, whole food diet

The food you consume dictates the raw materials available for the body to function.

Raw materials are nutrients which will vary in your diet based on the type of foods you consume.

Your body need protein, fat, carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins, and more to work.

Did your problem arise because you are lacking nutrients to allow your body to function as needed to become resilient against these issues?



You need to break down your food into singular molecules to obtain those raw materials or nutrients.

Every cell of every tissue of every organ depends on the digestive system to provide the nutrients it needs to keep functioning.

Food that isn’t broken down irritates the gut lining causing inflammation and overworking the immune system (70% of the immune system resides in the gut!)

Undigested food feeds pathogens.


Blood Sugar

What goes up must come down.

If your blood sugar goes up too high, resources are used to quickly lower.

This also demands more nutrients to process all that sugar that is void of nutrients (quick way to use up minerals, like magnesium, and vitamins, like B vitamins).

If your blood sugar goes too low, the body is now in an emergency state to save your life, recruiting a lot of energy and nutrients to do so.

Your stress levels have a major impact to your blood sugar, taxing the adrenals, pancreas, and liver; confusing your pituitary that impacts your thyroid (energy levels and body temps) and prostate or ovaries (sex hormones).

The liver does a lot for you, including detoxifying your blood but is being overtaxed with continuously maintaining blood sugar levels.

This along with an inflamed gut from undigested foods can clog up the liver leading to a buildup of mold, parasites, hormone imbalances and more.



Fats are life!

The non-rancid ones and closer to a 1:1 ratio of omega-3s and 6s.

Fats require the digestive system to properly break down to be utilized by the body for cellular health impacting energy levels, hormone communication, and inflammation.

Sex hormones are made from cholesterol.



Every organ that is a player in hormones has a primary mineral it needs.

The thyroid is iodine, prostate is zinc, pancreas is chromium, and adrenals is copper.

Too much calcium can prevent thyroid hormones from entering the cell when there is not enough potassium in the diet.

Not enough salt can cause the adrenals to work harder to try to balance fluid between inside and outside of the cells.

Every heavy metal has a mineral antagonist that if you are deficient in a mineral that heavy metal has the opportunity to take over where that mineral should be.

A deficiency in selenium can lead to mercury toxicity.

Doing a heavy metal detox without replenishing your minerals FIRST can lead to some pretty nasty detox symptoms but also will quickly become a problem again if you were even able to get rid of the heavy metal you were targeting.



Think of a creek.

During a dry season that creek may start trickling.

Water becomes stagnant.

Bugs and bacteria build up.

Starts to smell.

Without adequate hydration all day long, the same thing happens to your body.

Blood becomes thick, difficult to flow hindering hormones to communicate freely or organs receiving nutrients needed.

Waste builds up in your cells.

You become constipated.


The missing piece is Nutritional Therapy!

I’m not saying mold, parasites, heavy metals, SIBO, or hormone issues aren’t a problem that needs to be specifically addressed, but they most likely are not the first thing that needs to be worked on because if the Nutritional Therapy Foundations aren’t in place those same issues will come back.


As a Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner (FNTP) I work with clients to address their health concerns by:

  1. Empowering you, the individual, to become knowledgeable about your own health so that you can take the reins and responsibility for your health. Not rely on someone else. That’s right, at the end of the day, I do not “fix you” whatever transformations happen is solely your doing.
  2. I use both nutrition / diet and lifestyle strategies to support you in the long-term.
  3. Help you achieve your health concerns quicker by identifying targeted nutrients your body needs now


So what is the one thing you need to do?

There is no one-size fits all approach!


Nutritional Therapy 1-on-1 provides the bio-individual support you need because what works for one does not necessarily work for you.


Each one of us has different nutrient deficiencies, lifestyles, stressors, jobs, family dynamics, environments, passions, activities, etc.


While yes every one of us is unique, Nutritional Therapy believes everyone needs to have these 6 foundations in place to experience optimal health.


And if you are like where the hell is stress management, movement, and sleep?!


They often get thrown into regulating blood sugar.


All 6 of these foundations are interconnected and impact each other.


If one is off, chances are another, if not all, are off.


An important difference of a FNTP is that we do not diagnose or treat. EVER


But we can be a fantastic member of your team.


I can evaluate your nutritional needs and imbalances using assessments and support you through the foundations to achieve your health goals.


It may seem ridiculous but if you are complaining of exhaustion chances are you need to start addressing your blood sugar first which may mean ensuring adequate food consumption throughout the day, eating animal protein at every meal, reducing the pasta, bread, and rice, and drinking enough water with electrolytes before taking a bunch of supplements.


If you complain of bloating, allergies, or autoimmune issues you most likely need to start addressing digestion which may mean sitting down for meals, chewing your food thoroughly before swallowing and drinking water away from meals while taking supplements to support digestion as it comes back online.


Notice how one included supplements while the other did not.


Supplements should be used to improve function by replacing, supporting, or helping.


They should always be accompanied with lifestyle habits that need to be implemented to not be reliant upon a supplement for life.


Supplements are exactly as they sound – to be an add-on to your life to support your goals at the given moment – not doing the work for you.


Ready to stop chasing symptoms, tired of not getting answers for why you feel the way you do, and get to the bottom of why it is all happening?


Schedule a free connection call to ask more about my 16-week program.

Supplement Review – Vimergy Magnesium Glycinate

A while back, maybe before summer started, I polled my IG audience regarding supplements they take every single day.


Over the next few months I’m going to review the supplements submitted for quality and if it is something I would take.


First up is Vimergy Magnesium Glycinate.


But first, what is magnesium?

Magnesium is one of the 4 macro minerals – calcium, magnesium, sodium, and potassium.


It is a cofactor for hundreds of enzyme reactions which are the catalyst (think the spark plugs, or the ignitor in each cylinder of your engine, of a car) for chemical reactions that keep the body functioning.


A few functions you may be interested in that need magnesium are:

  • The production of cellular energy (ATP)
  • Structural component of bone, cell membranes, and chromosomes
  • To transport calcium and potassium across the cell membrane into the cell
  • Plays a role in nerve impulses, muscle contractions (heart included), and normal heart rhythm


A deficiency in magnesium can impact vitamin D levels as 2 conversions occur within the liver and kidneys that require magnesium to execute.


Low vitamin D levels impact calcium absorption, therefore, impacting bone and teeth health.


There are so many different forms of magnesium out there – why?


Because minerals need to be bound a another substance in order to stabilize them.


Product Review

This supplement’s magnesium is bound to glycinate which is an amino acid, making it a very bioavailable form.


Bioavailable means that the body recognizes it and knows what to do with it.


Unfortunately, in the USA there are no requirements for distinguishing how much elemental magnesium vs glycinate is in the product.


So while this says 310mg of magnesium glycinate, know it is not actually all magnesium.


Magnesium glycinate is usually well tolerated.


I recommend this form when a client’s concerns (goals, symptoms, labs results, etc.) are related to relaxation, sleep, inflammation, glutathione production (glycine is a co-factor), healthy blood pressure, collagen production (glycinate is found in collagen and gelatin 😉 ), detoxification through bile, anxiety, and depression.


Vimergy claims all their products are non-GMO, gluten-free, kosher, corn-free, soy-free and vegan.


Unfortunately, from the label online it appears it only states vegan and gluten-free.


So it would require contacting the company to verify the other claims as the product also includes ginger and turmeric which I’d be curious of the sourcing.


Other ingredients are cellulose and vegetarian capsule from cellulose and water.


Cellulose is modified vegetable fiber that is usually derived from corn.


As corn is one of the most genetically modified foods, if this is a concern for you, may want to double check with the company regarding sourcing if you wanted to verify company standards are being upheld.


For me, because it isn’t on the bottle (non-GMO or corn-free) I’d be curious if this product aligned.


Things to be aware of:

Magnesium does not work alone and there are a few nutrients necessary for magnesium to effectively work, such as B6 and boron.


Minerals, including magnesium, require the digestive system to be functioning well so be sure to take with food.


With mineral depleted soils, high stress levels, and chemical bombardment our bodies take, magnesium supplementation isn’t a terrible idea.


Final thoughts

For face value, Vimergy looks like a reputable company doing all the right things. I would take Vimergy Magnesium Glycinate.