Before you plan that detox for January 1st to lose weight quick

Have you ensured it isn’t going to make you feel like you’re dying?




You’re intentionally pushing out toxins, pathogens, heavy metals, and waste your body stored away purposely because it didn’t have a safe way to remove them without harming yourself


Pushing your body when it isn’t ready could mean:

  • Being MORE tired
  • Unable to sleep
  • Unbearable migraines
  • Running to the toilet all day and night
  • Debilitating cramps
  • Feel like you have the worst flu or stomach virus?! With fever, chills, nausea, and muscle aches


You don’t have time for that!


You need to address why your body stored all that shit away, in your fat and organs, to protect you from getting sick!


So here are 6 basics to consider before doing a detox >>>>>


Are you hydrated?


  • Blood and lymph needs to be flowing without obstruction
  • Tissues and joints lubricated
  • Peeing efficiently
  • Pooping logs easily 1-3x a day


Are you moving your body throughout the day?

8,000 – 10,000 steps a day is a good marker, if you are excluding your 1-hour gym workou.


A 5 mile run once a day, may mean you’re sitting for the remaining 15 hours of your day which defeats the point of movement. Ask me how I know.


Movement needs to be happening all day to ensure the lymph which is responsible for clearing out waste, lipids, and the clean up crew from anything your body is fighting (illness) is moving as it relies on muscle contractions to flow.


Also means, more than just straight line movements (like walking), but how often are you rotating, doing circular movements? We got shoulders and thighs that are ball and sockets, are you utilizing those full ranges?


Are you consuming non-rancid fats?

Fat makes up your bile and is the carrier of toxins out of the liver through the gut and out of the body.


You need to be consuming fat for your gallbladder to get the signal to release the bile to digest the fats in your meal.


Are you consuming enough fiber?

Fiber is not digestible by your body but it mops up and binds to bile and toxins to be eliminated through your poop so it is out of your body!


Is your digestion optimized?

Are you thoroughly breaking down your food so that it is not creating inflammation in your gut and gunking up your pipes?


Are you consuming adequate amounts of protein, B vitamins, anti-oxidants and minerals?

All of which are the raw materials needed for the liver to actually detox toxins out of the body properly without clogging up the liver.


Sound overwhelming and that a detox is never going to happen without feeling like utter crap?


I got something brewing to help you incorporate these into your daily life so that (1) your body can detox on the daily but also (2) if you do intentionally do a detox you don’t end up in bed with the house falling into chaos


Click Here!


To be added the to waitlist and be first to hear the details of how you’ll never need another detox to lose the weight because you weight won’t be constantly on you mind.