3 Nutrition Beliefs I Ditched After becoming a Mom

I’m sure you’ve heard them all before:


  1. Sugar is poison
  2. Carbs are bad
  3. Calorie deficit is a must to lose weight


Well I’m here to tell ya that being a mom is a lot of work and these 3 nutrition beliefs do not apply if I want to fit in the clothes I want to wear while being patient and playful with my kids and check off all of my to do list.


Motherhood is not a sedentary job where you have control over your work day (to some degree, if you’ve spent a day with kids under 5 you’ll get what I mean here).


The reality is, when you have a 9-5 job where you mostly sit all day long at a computer, and now that everything is remote, you’re not even walking across the huge corporate office to attend a meeting several times a day, you’re simply clicking on a link to join a meeting instead – your steps are being reduced even further.


In this scenario, 1200 calories and utilizing vegetables as your carb source may work to help you lose or maintain your weight.


But with kids dictating your life:

  • Demanding a snack after they just ate breakfast 20 minutes ago
  • Taking out all the play food kitchen and throwing it on the floor right after you had re-organized it to vacuum the floor
  • Screaming to be held while you are going to the bathroom or taking a shower
  • Siblings fighting over who gets what toy now
  • Climbing all over you while you try to get 20 minutes of an ab workout in


Don’t even forget you’re still the:

  1. Chef
  2. Maid
  3. Butler
  4. Driver
  5. Nurse/Doctor
  6. Therapist
  7. Coach
  8. Play friend
  9. Treasurer
  10. Organizer
  11. Planner
  12. Wife
  13. Friend
  14. Daughter
  15. Sister

You’re a mother!


And the number one thing I’ve realized is that motherhood is in of itself is a stressor, a huge one, that even with all the tools in your toolbox to reduce stress and increase your joy – you must fuel your body with food as if you are training for a marathon.


With strategically consuming sugar throughout the day to avoid low dips in blood sugar that make you get headaches, become irritable, impatient, shaky, weak, dizzy, or absolutely tired.


Same way that runners use gu packets to provide energy to continue running without bonking.


Consuming 1200-1500 calories every day, relying on only vegetables as your carb source and avoiding sugar, fruits, bread, pasta, rice and more is NOT ENOUGH FOOD to sustain the demands on you every day.


No wonder you want to scream by 10am, go to sleep at 2pm, rather order pizza then cook, and grab a bottle of wine after the kids go to sleep and watch TV until 11pm and still struggle to fall asleep.


To actually be superwoman, I think sugar can be a great tool in your toolbox to make life easier while still losing weight.


For those peak stressful moments, like responding to emergencies when someone flips over the bike handle bars or fingers get slammed in car doors – consuming sugar to fuel that response and/or sustain it can be extremely helpful so you don’t crash after the emergency subsides.


For support to stop starving yourself and start crushing marathons, join the waitlist to be the first to know about the program I am creating specifically for moms to become superwoman this year.
