
Health Update

At the end of last year, I had given up hope on healing my body. I felt like I had done everything right – I eat a clean diet, minimal sugar, followed a leaky gut protocol for 30-days, reduced my workouts, and had significantly reduced my stress. But my face remained the same and it seemed other things were starting to pop-up — dry skin around my hairline and muscle fatigue in my shoulder which can be bad at times.  I had researched a low-sulfur diet, but honestly it was so restrictive I was hesitant to implement it – okay I don’t want to. I basically told myself, screw it until the renovation is done because at the end of the day, I think it is the culprit for most of my issues. Full disclosure – I don’t clean often and with the reno it is ALWAYS dirty that I don’t see the point.

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I Heart Fat

I eat saturated fats and cholesterol, with no regrets!  Over the last few months since starting the NTP program, I’ve had a few people ask me regarding my fat intake.  Our media has demonized cholesterol over the decades and now we are terrified of saturated fats and cholesterol.  I do not understand how our government and media allowed this – literally making us unhealthy and sick.  But on the positive side,  there is a shift occurring, people are starting to take their health in their hands and eat fat and less processed foods.

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Nutritional Challenge – Changes

Day 7 of no sugar, gluten, dairy, or alcohol.  Eating healthy doesn’t mean you can’t have delicious and tasty food!

Only 1 day of slip ups which for the most part were out of our hands…look I know we could’ve CHOSEN to not have alcohol or dessert, no one was MAKING us consume these things. But stressing out about our food choices will not benefit our bodies either. So yes, we had beer (Zach) and champagne (me) and ate desserts (shared mini desserts and didn’t Repeat the same one). The food at the wedding was amazing and I’m sure there was sugar and hydrogenated fats in there, but I didn’t stress about it. We did make the conscious effort to not eat bread at dinner and didn’t stuff ourselves. So I’ll take that as a win while dining out.

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Nutritional Challenge – WHY?

Starting today, for the rest of the month – NO GLUTEN, SUGAR or DAIRY!  My snacking has gotten out of control the last few weeks, the worst part is that I’m not even hungry! I’m just eating because I need a mental break and do something else.

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Digestion: The basics to help fuel your daily grind

With all the stress I have in my life, the last thing I thought I was effecting was my digestion.  Hell, for the past few years I’ve completely shifted what I ate and how I thought about food.  I thought I was doing a pretty damn good job of eating the right foods to provide my body the fuel I needed to perform optimally. Enter NTA and a wrench in my daily grind…I have come to the realization that over at least the past 2 years I have been “thriving” off of cortisol and epinephrine (adrenaline).

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Taking Control

3 MONTHS DOWN. FIRST WORKSHOP COMPLETE! Now I just really need to grasp an understanding of digestion, blood sugar regulation, & fatty acids…

This past weekend was the first workshop for the NTP program and wow was it a whirlwind.  Leading up to the weekend I was extremely anxious, I didn’t know what to expect.  Basically, it was the first day of college all over again, you were going to a place where you knew absolutely no one with the only exception being that we all had the same interest, health.

I’m not going to lie, I was close to having a breakdown Saturday night and dropping out of the course all together.  After two days, I wasn’t sure how I was going to get through another day of randomly being called on to answer a question I didn’t know the answer to; remembering everything I should have learned by now regarding digestion, blood sugar regulation, and the other foundations; or being able to find the proper points for the functional evaluations.  It’s just wayyyy too much to learn in 9 months!

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