Hello!!!! I’m in my second trimester now and trying my best to get back into fueling myself properly that most aversions have gone away.
With doing the Restart® program last month, weekly meal planning was prioritized and I’ve stuck with it for the past 8 weeks. It has been a lifesaver to ensure everyone knows what’s for dinner and having leftovers for lunch.
My hope is that by sharing what we cook, it inspires you to cook more at home too. Cooking all your meals can be a lot of work and be overwhelming. But it is never going to come easy if you never do it. The more you do it, the easier it becomes. You learn what works and what doesn’t, you flow better.
One tip I have when meal planning is look at your calendar for the week. What do you have scheduled? Do you have 30 minutes to an hour to reserve to cooking a meal to get dinner on the table at whatever time you want to eat? Do you need to have some slow cooker meals or Instant Pot meals planned so you can throw them together in the morning and not rush in the evening? This will help you be successful in not being burnt out and exhausted at the end of the deal not wanting to cook / not knowing what to eat or the biggest crutch, not having the time to do what you planned.