
CRAP! The Islandman Triathlon is officially less than 3 weeks away.  I am starting to freak out a little about the race.  Since signing up (February?) I haven’t had a game plan – real surprise there, right?  Even though this is nothing new (I have never truly stuck to any sort of training program), I thought this time would be different.  I do want to do really well, not trying to win awards here, but I do want to crush it to my own ability.  Either way, I know I will be able to cross that finish line.  The only possible disappointment I’ll have is when I don’t beat the three others that I’m doing it with.  But to my defense, they do have more experience with triathlons, access to a pool for training whenever they want, and are taller than me = longer running strides.

Last week was a short work week due to Memorial Day, so I thought I would have more time to do things I wanted to do.  It was 4 weeks to go until the triathlon.  Again, no real training plan so I didn’t think much of what I was doing every day.  Well I was totally wrong, I definitely over did it.  My body is SCREAMING at me this past weekend and still is today.  My quads and hip flexors are extremely tight.


After we completed Murph on Monday, we may have been a bit exhausted

Reflecting back (training is at the bottom), I may have accidently over done it towards the end of week.  The weekend was originally forecasted to be rain, so I made an effort to take advantage of the nice weather on Thursday and Friday.  My mistake though, was not taking enough time to recover – taking breaks from work and studying to decompress & stretching.  I really need to prioritize stretching and foam rolling after workouts.  I’m 31…I can’t just keep running without taking care of my body — getting old definitely sucks!

Even though I was tight and could feel workouts were going to be harder than they have been the last few weeks, I was meeting friends all weekend to train.  Having others holding you accountable is definitely absolutely necessary.  Otherwise, chances of me getting out there and completing a workout would have been slim.  Hell, even motivation to push yourself to make the workout worth your while is better when you don’t want to slow down the others.

This week’s goal, is RECOVERY.  I definitely need to make sure I stretch daily.  Also, probably better to spread out the cardio (swim, bike, run) in between CrossFit/strength training days.


No matter where we go, Kingston will find water to swim in

Week 4 Training = Give Your Body a Beating


CrossFit: Hero WOD, Murph – complete for time with 10# vest: 1 mile run; in any order (I did 20 rounds of: 5 push-ups, 5 pull-ups, 5 push-ups, 15 air squats): 100 pull-ups, 200 push-ups, & 300 air squats; 1 mile run.  I really wanted to do this WOD in under an hour but it didn’t happen.  Push-ups with the 10# vest were a BI-ATCH!  But I was able to complete the WOD in 61:36.

Hike with the husband and pup: 2.5 miles through the woods (40 minutes)


Jasyoga video: Running Efficiency Boost (30 minutes)

I bailed on intervals at the track because it was raining and cold…I just didn’t feel like it


CrossFit: Sumo deadlifts – I worked my way up to do 1 rep @ 195#.  I tried twice and failed at 205# (the bar just floated one inch off the floor – womp womp)


Jasyoga videos: rolled out of bed and completed 3 5-minute Resets for hamstrings, hips, and foot (15 minutes)

Hiked with Kingston right after work for about 2 miles (50 minutes)

Intervals: Did Tuesday’s track work out.  I really need to figure out how to pace myself properly. 800s and 400s were to be done at mile pace, while 200 faster than mile pace.

2×800: 3:25 (6:58) & 3:41 (7:34)

2×400: 1:41 (7:17), 1:39 (7:05)

2×200: 1:08 (6:46), 1:12 (7:03)


CrossFit: Complete 5 rounds of 1 minute at each station, for max reps of: wall balls, tire jumps, and DB power snatch (30#). I don’t recall my numbers, but I was consistent.  Rounds 3 and 4, I backed off a bit. Round 5 I did beat my first round numbers by at least 1 rep.

Swim with friends (cover photo is the view from our swim – it was a BEAUTIFUL day!!): Â ½ mile swim in about 21 minutes FIRST OPEN WATER SWIM OF 2017! There also may have been a snake spotting right before we started, not sure if I’ll be able to return to this location (EWWWWW, YUCK!)


Bike ride with friends: less than 17 miles in about 67 minutes


Run with the bestie: 4 miles in 38:02 (flat trail)

And yes you read that right, there was absolutely NO STRETCHING or YOGA Thursday night through Sunday. Man I am stupid.  Really have to refocus this week!